Just For Kids!
EAC Nursery Programs
Nursery Care for little ones age 0-3 is available during the Sunday Service.
Parents/Caregivers are asked to pick up their children at the nursery following the service.
About EAC Nursery
Nursery is available weekly for children ages 0-3 years, except on holiday weekends and summer months.
Our screened and trained staff of volunteers are ready to care for infants and toddlers to allow parents to
engage in the worship services! Parents are asked to complete a registration form for each child.
The Scripture Squad on Sunday Mornings
Children ages 4 - grade 6 will be dismissed during the service to The Scripture Squad in the gym.
About Scripture Squad
Children ages 4 to Grade 6 are invited to attend Scripture Squad!
Scripture Squad is dismissed during the service (except on holiday weekends & summer months). We
are excited to have our new curriculum – it’s called Orange! The program strives to partner with parents
to build a foundation of faith for children, with monthly themes based on Bible characters and Bible
events, including group activities, worship, life experiences and parent resources.
Orange curriculum combines the light of The Church (yellow) & the heart of The Home (red) to
strengthen the faith of Future Generations – the kids (orange).
Our screened and trained volunteers look forward to teaching the children each week.
Parents are asked to complete a registration form for each child.
The Scripture Squad Weekly Resources for at home
In case you missed it or want to watch it again and also on holiday weekends, we'll be sending out the
weekly Parent Cue Page, Devotional and Video from Scripture Squad!
Watch for it in your email (e-bulletin format) and also on Facebook at 12:15pm on Sundays.